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Explore the world’s top climbing destinations, remote places, and hidden paradises. Get exclusive access to thousands of climbing topos, free updates and all related features. Our premium content derives from local guidebook authors and publishers.


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Vertical-Life Outdoor

€ 4.99 / Month

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How can I subscribe?
Select one of the above plans.
How can I unsubscribe?
You can unsubscribe anytime by going to your profile page on our website and pausing your subscription.
What happens to guidebooks I have previously bought and unlocked?
The unlocked content will be available for a period of 3 years after the start of the Premium subscription model. During this period, your owned content will be updated to the newest status for free, all substantial and marginal updates included.
Why 3 years?
All of our premium outdoor guidebook content comes from the guidebook authors and their publishers. Finding a sustainable way to collaborate with authors and publishers while offering the best content for climbers shifted our view to a subscription model. This model allows for constant updates for the guides, meaning that new routes/boulders/sectors can be added and shared with climbers immediately. Our database changes from a system of sequential release versions for guidebooks to a system of one (1) central, consistently updated book. This makes it impossible for us to offer lifetime access to previously purchased content, as this would effectively result in giving away for free all future guidebooks and updates written by the authors. Giving 3 years of free updates on previously purchased content is what we negotiated together with authors and publishers.
Do unlocking codes in guidebooks still work?
They unlock the corresponding topos for a period of 3 years.
What are premium outdoor guides?
All of our outdoor guidebook content comes from the guidebook authors and their publishers. This premium content is the most sustainable way for the climbing community to offer digital guidebooks. By choosing not to include user-generated guidebook content, we enable authors (many times the developers themselves) to keep contributing to the community while providing the best quality guidebook content to climbers.
How do we support local developers?
A portion of the subscription fee will be allocated to support local developers in their efforts to find, develop and maintain crags. We are currently mapping out different options with international partners to implement a solution that can meet the needs of most parties in the climbing community.

Any more questions?

Try searching for what you need in our Help & Support site. If you don't find what you're looking for, you can email us at [email protected] for more help.

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